Minggu, 24 April 2011

Tugas softskill “Profile of English Teachers”

Nama : Irna Diniasari
Kelas : 1EA15
NPM : 13210623

Tugas softskill “Profile of English Teachers”
Mr. Elang Yudantoro commonly known as Mr. Elang is an English Teacher. He was born in Tangerang, Banten on 25 May 1986 or 24 years ago. Everyday he looks calm and always smiling when students and other teachers say hello.
Mr. Elang enjoyed his childhood while studied at SDN 4 Tangerang, Banten in 1992 until 1998. This brown color fan, also continued his schooling in SLTPN 2 Tangerang in 1998 until 2001. Still in Tangerang, in 2001 until 2004 he was a student at SMAN 1 Tangerang.
After graduating from Senior High School, in 2004 he moved to Jakarta to continue education in Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) or formerly known as IKIP Jakarta. He choose an English Language Education Study Program (S1) at faculty of language and arts. He finished his english education degree in 2008.
He was actively involved in some students activities such as BEM (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa) when he was still in university. He also joined HIMABSII (Himpunan Mahasiswa Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris se-Indonesia).
A lot of people who eventually profession is not in accordance with its ideals, especially the ideals of childhood. But Mr. Elang not like that. He was by profession according to his ideals.
He actually, started teaching english when he was in the second grade of Senior High School. Then he decided to be an English Teacher. At this moment, he has been teaching English at school (formally) for more than 2 years. Work experience started in 2006 until 2008 as independent translator/interpreter and privat English Teacher. Later in the year 2008 until 2009 he became English for SMA Teacher at SMA Diponegoro 1 Rawamangun. The following year in 2009 until 2010 he was establishing RED English Center (English Language Institutions). From 2010 till now he was freelance English Tutor for PT.SKILL (Online based English learning).
Mr. Elang hobbies are reading, writing, sharing, and surfing on the NET and many more. Because one of hobbies is surfing on the NET, he also has an account twitter and facebook.

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